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Toddler Sleep & Nightweaning Package

Nightwean your toddler with kindness while also getting a full holisitc analysis of their sleep!

200 Euro
Location 1

Service Description

Perfect for toddlers ages 12 months -3 years that are breast or bottle feeding at night Includes : - an in depth holisitc analysis of your child´s sleep to optimize sleep overall - 1 x 60 minute consultation call via Zoom before you start your nightweaning journey - a personalized 3 week night weaning plan with step by step instructions, based on your child´s temperament and your feeding goals for an easy night weaning journey - follow up support for reassurance and help during your nightweaning journey (option to choose between a 30 minute follow up call via Zoom or unlimited whatsapp/email support for 2 weeks )

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact me at least 24 hours in advance.

Contact Details


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